Thursday 25 September 2014

Jubilee coalition vs CORD coalition ...... again ...

Raila supporters are celebrating the failure by govt to deliver laptops to class 1 pupils.

While the merits of providing laptops to a starving population can be debated, some part of me wishes this project would have succeeded.

A flood of laptops would have had some effect in the minds of the youth of Kenya.

Laptop are still viewed as luxury items, and they are not! In the information age a computing device is as essential as oxygen ....

Like a lion that has to adapt to the jungle by developing teeth, claws, and quick muscles, ...... so a child in 2014 must adapt by having a laptop/ smartphone.

Otherwise they will starve anyways, just like a lion that cant hunt.

Sunday 7 September 2014

The recipe for creating God:

Some improbable event occurs, then one person starts to suspect some "sinister forces" (since an understanding of the underlying system is missing).

Another person will then personify those sinister forces and give them a name (a new proper noun/ pronoun comes into existence).

A third person hears a conversation between the first two people .....; he becomes scared shitless, and starts to "spread the word" .....

The first two people "hear the gospel" and are amazed since "they also thought the same thing" (self fulfilling prophecy).

Before you know it a religion is created, with the "named force" as its god.

And its all fueled by fear, so it grows very rapidly.

All "funny" and improbable events are henceforth attributed to the named force/ being.

Non-believers are quickly branded agents of the "dark side" (and nobody wants that!).

Happy Sunday friends! ("Sun" day?!)


So now we have many "gods" created by people from all over the place ....... but how about "The One True God"?:

Ones many gods are created, one of them will emerge as the strongest (basically the one supported by the most violent people)...

So, then "
The One True God" is created.

Evil is dangerous! (Short term gain, long term trouble)

EVIL IS LIKE AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE; when you encounter it, you can easily get infected and then pass it on.

For example when you are driving on the highway and a matatu driver cuts into your lane. He has basically defecated into your brain.

What happens next is that your brain starts to stink, and 10 minutes later you cut into some other driver's lane. And now you have thrown faeces into that driver's brain!

The chain reaction continues, and before you know it, the whole city has shit heads driving in the highways!


Whenever you encounter evil, you must quickly RESET your brain. Inoculate yourself (ask me how).

Don't get infected, and don't pass it on.


Good morning, and good day to you all .........


I know that line about "spiritual warfare" looks spooky, but here is the thought behind it:

Believe it or not physical violence is on the decline.

But ironically, the human need to influence others (for subjugation, influence decision making, "make like oneself", sizing-up, and all other mostly nefarious purposes) is actually increasing.

So how do people conduct war and violence in 2014 when they cant use overt weapons? ........ mostly through what  I  call "negative emotional transference" and the "uncontrolled battle of wills".

For example, your boss wants you to be at your desk at 8am  sharp even if he knows work truly begins at 11am (imposing her will).

In the example of the road; a person who has "self-esteem issues" or has just been frustrated by a more powerful person seeks to show the world that he is "important" - and he does so by frustrating anyone he meets ..... and engaging in behaviors meant to bring negative emotional states (especially on other motorists, who are perceived as "threats" - have money).

The seduction rituals use this as a primary tool. So do individuals who want to sow seeds of discord between friends/ lovers/ family.

Or, imagine how Americans (propaganda) and Jews (religion) have a big chunk of the planet "by the balls"!

Anyway, bottom line is that people largely fight through destabilizing other people's emotional balance. And if a person is not aware (which is usually the case), they normally fall victim ....... and then pass the negativity on.

This is the basic mechanism that witchcraft uses, in conjunction with select chemicals (the Luo call it "juok").

So, guard your brain from useless influences. And there are many ways to do this; the easiest being ........ to have a clear "purpose/ objective" at all times and ignoring stimuli that don't move you towards the objective

Acknowledge positive forces, ignore negating forces - unless the negating force compels you to fight. And even then, make the fight quick and "deadly" so that it doesn't consume your time, then quickly "reset" your mind and get back on track.

Long story short: people focus on protecting their bodies, when the truth is that if a person can control your mind ....... then your body really has no choice but to "play ball"!!!

Most Politicians are actually aware of these mechanisms!