Sunday 7 September 2014

The recipe for creating God:

Some improbable event occurs, then one person starts to suspect some "sinister forces" (since an understanding of the underlying system is missing).

Another person will then personify those sinister forces and give them a name (a new proper noun/ pronoun comes into existence).

A third person hears a conversation between the first two people .....; he becomes scared shitless, and starts to "spread the word" .....

The first two people "hear the gospel" and are amazed since "they also thought the same thing" (self fulfilling prophecy).

Before you know it a religion is created, with the "named force" as its god.

And its all fueled by fear, so it grows very rapidly.

All "funny" and improbable events are henceforth attributed to the named force/ being.

Non-believers are quickly branded agents of the "dark side" (and nobody wants that!).

Happy Sunday friends! ("Sun" day?!)


So now we have many "gods" created by people from all over the place ....... but how about "The One True God"?:

Ones many gods are created, one of them will emerge as the strongest (basically the one supported by the most violent people)...

So, then "
The One True God" is created.

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