Tuesday 9 June 2015

What is "Kenyan Culture"?

Punishing children for speaking mother tongue in school is just plain stupid .... Just like Prof Ngugi wa Thiong'o pointed out yesterday. Our mother toungues should technically be our primary languages, not something to be considered "low class" or "backward".

But at the same time lets also accept reality ..... our mother tongues and cultures have effectively been killed in the wake of globalization.

This is because they couldn't adapt to a changing world quickly enough. The only way they can be revived right now is through the mercy of digital companies like Google and Microsoft; via their translation programs.

Reality: Lets just speak English and Chinese.

And we can work together to put in place a new Kenyan culture. Without the luggage of the old "junk" ......

We can borrow from everywhere (including our grandfathers' cultures), and create something better. And we can even "edit" these foreign laguages and make them our own.

Just look at China. "New + Old" is seriously working for them!

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