Thursday 17 July 2014

The Rich vs. The Poor .....

The rich want a controllable labor force to work inside their money making systems, the poor want to regain control of their life and end the discomfort of uncertainty.

A poor person waiting for a rich person to solve his problem is like a rabbit waiting for a lion to bring for it some juicy vegetables!

The rabbit may imagine that the lion should care about its well being, but the truth of the matter is that the lion only cares about a fat piece of meat - Where the rabbit gets its vegetables from is not really a primary concern for the lion. Because the lion can also get meat from antelopes!

Some lions may be intelligent enough to plant some vegetables so that rabbits hang around them! But that doesn't change the fact that the lion only cares about a fat piece of meat - the vegetable farm would in this case be just a way for the lion to save energy chasing the rabbit up and down!

Moral: If you want a change in your life, you must make the change - yourself; don't wait for rich people with "the power" to make the change for you. Their priorities may not be the same as yours.


Can "the poor" fight "the rich" and win? ...... I THINK NOT!!!

The rich are by definition people who are really (really!) good at getting what they want.

In turn, the poor are generally people who don't know how to get what they want. And they wait for things to be handed to them, AND TERMS TO BE DEFINED FOR THEM.

So, don't fight the rich. JUST BECOME RICH!!!!

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